stay consistent with your content creation

When you think about how to develop a habit of staying consistent, do you start thinking about how you’re going to create a plan? 

Because being consistent is not just about having a great big plan. It’s not just about thinking about where you’re going to post and the things that you want to say. 

I want to show you how to move past just the idea of a plan and start to develop a daily content habit.  And I’m going to challenge you to see if you can stick with this for 30 days because they say that if you can do something for 30 days { it’s actually 21 days as the scientific number }, if you can go a whole month of following through every single day, you, my friend, have developed a habit.

And there’s nothing better than keeping us consistent to share our marketing messages than developing a content habit. 

So what exactly is a content habit? Let’s start here. 

If the term content creation makes you kind of freak out a little bit, trust me when I say this, you are not alone. Most people think about content as like a task or a project or a thing that pops up again and again. 

It’s something you feel this ‘urgency’ to get it done. You get stressed about this marketing stuff because you want to keep sharing your marketing messages but you’ve also got all these other things going on in your world with your business. There’s clients to deal with and products to create and all the things that you do to keep your business running.

And right there in that long list of priorities is your content creation. 

I’d like you to stop thinking that your content creation is causing you stress.  I think it’s more accurate – and maybe even helpful! – to actually change your perception of content creation by not thinking about it as a task on your list, but as a habit that you have developed. 

Content creation is rarely just a one and done task. So the more that you see it as a habit or even a routine that you do every every single week, the more that you will find opportunities to streamline it. The more that you find a way to make it easier for you to do it quicker every week.  

It’s human nature that the more frequently that we do the same habits over and over again, the quicker that we get at the tasks and action steps we need to do every week. 

Let me give you an example of an actual content habit that I do every single day. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.  

I schedule at least one thing every day that I know will directly help me with my marketing for my business. Most weeks, it’s more than just one thing, but I know at the end of the week, that if I’ve done at least one thing a day to help my business. 

And with the content habit I have in place, I can see how much that I’ve accomplished.

To enable this content habit, I’ve set up a visual habit tracker. And I do this in the most absolute simplest way possible that anybody could set up a habit tracker. 

I print out a monthly calendar and I stick it up on my wall and every day I put notations on it. 

I write when I’ve uploaded a video to YouTube, when I’ve completed a blog, when I’ve added new pins to Pinterest … I mark on the calendar everything that I’m doing that directly impacts my marketing plan. 

I can look at my calendar every single week and I can see the progress that I’ve made. And when I’ve taken a day off or maybe I had a bunch of meetings and I didn’t get a chance to really do the things that I wanted to do, I see a blank space in my calendar. 

I realize that things happen in my business other than content creation but wow, does it pop out on my calendar! And it makes me take a look at my week and think about what I got done for my business. 

And so when I’m working with my visual habit tracker, my calendar becomes my content habit because I see it every day on my wall. It becomes a habit to write notes in it to track my progress. 

I get to see what’s happening with my marketing plan and it’s not something that I’ve got hidden in a file in my computer. It’s literally right there on my wall and I look at it every single time when I sit down at my desk. 

Because here’s the thing about my content habit that’s so super cool  – it sets the tone for my day to help me see my progress of being consistent. And I can close my laptop at the end of the day and clearly see that I have put the time into my marketing.  

I also know with this content habit, that I can see my consistent progress with my content creation.

Practice makes proficiency. And that’s the whole point behind having this content habit. 

So the content habit works like this – it’s here to help you focus on consistency, not being perfect. Because when you’re trying to build a habit, the most important thing is to figure out how to stay consistent with the steps and the content creation process. 

The idea is to set up your routine to help you do the content creation thing versus whether you’re doing it correctly. Because if you get caught up in the fact that your steps are not perfect or caught up in the mindset of ‘everybody’s doing it this way,’ you’ll get yourself all tied up in your thoughts as opposed to how you’re going to get this thing done. 

Think about developing your content habit from this perspective – there is no such thing as perfect, there is only doing the thing. Or not doing the thing. That’s it. Those are your two choices. 

And when you understand this point, it makes it easier to move forward with developing your content habit. You know what your goals are and what you want to achieve so you’re no longer focusing on whether you’re doing the thing correctly. You’re just making the time to do the thing. 

Developing your version of a visual habit tracker is going to show how committed you are. 

It will provide you with an enormous amount of motivation and keep you going even on those days when you’re looking at that calendar and you’re seeing a blank space. 

So start off initially knowing full well that this is going to take you a little bit of time to focus on how to get your content habit done. You’re going to have to experiment your way there. 

I want you to think about it from the perspective of casting a wide net and trying new steps. Can you test out a new scheduling program or an image creation app to do the thing that you need to do in your content habit? The idea is to look at everything that you can use that’s going to help you automate your steps and develop your process.

The truth is it’s hard to know whether or not something is working unless you keep doing it. So that means you will more than likely have to plan your way to consistency.

You may go into testing out your content habit process and realize this program is not working for me. This step is not working for me. So just keep moving through this process. Keep testing out new programs, testing out new apps, testing out new steps until you find the steps and process that works to streamline your content creation process. 

And the more you keep doing your content habit, the more you’ll find your rhythm and that’s what’s going to help you stick with it and stay consistent. The more you do this, the more frequently you do this and more consistently you are doing this, then you’ll discover your own unique approach to doing the thing that it is you’re doing.

So my best advice to you as you’re developing your content habit is to know that no matter what you’re reading online, no matter who you’re following and no matter what the ‘experts’ say, one size does not fit all. 

I want you to think about what programs really click for you and you’re not going to know what really clicks for you until you keep experimenting. I want you to figure out what works for you and what you can comfortably sustain over time. 

The more frequently you do your content creation steps, the easier it gets. The quicker you get at it and so it allows you to stick with it to turn it into a habit. 

Don’t just seek inspiration when it comes to your content creation, build a habit instead.

I think when we get started with our content creation, we have a lot of ideas and we’ve got all of these things that we want to do and all these things that we want to say. And we fall into this trap of posting only when this creative spark comes.

Initially it works because we’re really excited about being on the social platform. We’re really excited about sharing our content. We’re really beyond excited to create posts and share them online. But then what happens is time happens and our businesses happen and life gets in the way … and the magic will quickly fade.

The secret to staying consistent with your content creation is not about waiting for your inspiration to hit you before you can post your next amazing quote on Facebook. The real secret to being consistent is building a content habit. 

I want you to think about how you can use habit trackers, content development programs and apps to cultivate a habit of consistent action. And if you can stay on top of this and use your habit tracker and set yourself a publishing schedule that aligns with your capacity, you can start creating content consistently that resonates with your community. 

You’ll start to see results because it’s not just random action steps. You’ve developed a content habit and a commitment to the growth of your business.

Need some help with developing a content habit and with staying consistent with your marketing plan?

Marketing should be a priority for your business. But when it starts to feel overwhelming, when it feels frustrated to stay consistent, that’s the point when that plan gets pushed to the side and the strategy becomes ‘figure it out later.’ 

If this feels like where you are then it’s time to change your approach to your marketing and that time is NOW

Because all these marketing platforms that you rely upon for your marketing are constantly changing and knowing how to make these fit into your business is essential. 

And to do this, you need to look at the full picture of your marketing, not just each single social platform. 

It’s time for you to focus on how you’re going to make that marketing plan bring you results

THIS is exactly why I created this FREE masterclass: How to get organized to stay consistent 

In this free training, you’ll learn how to:

  • Develop the Heartbeat of your Content Strategy: Learn how to pinpoint the content topics that show your expertise and share your marketing messages.
  • Establish a Routine and Develop a Content Workflow: Develop a routine that will make you more efficient. You’ll become an assembly line with your content creation and find ways to make your work more efficient.
  • Create a detailed Content Plan: Learn how to develop a workflow process that you can manage AND how to stick with it so you can reach more customers.

Click here to watch the free masterclassHow to get organized to stay consistent – and learn the simple marketing techniques to stay consistent with your marketing to help you grow your business and create consistent revenue.

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