Struggling with staying consistent with your content creation?

Join the Marketing Strategy Collective program – a strategy group membership program to help you improve your sales revenue in a collaborative group online experience.

You know you need a content strategy to be consistent with your marketing messages online. 

You also know that your marketing strategy needs to be more than just writing out some ideas in a calendar and scheduling posts for your social sites.

A marketing strategy requires thought and planning about how you’re going to reach more customers.

And I know that you get this but some days it just feels like you’re stuck in the same loop and doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.

What if you found a group program to help you develop your content that generates traffic, increases your leads and helps you make more sales? 

And what if this group program stopped trying to force you to fit into some cookie-cutter template but showed you how to work out your marketing strategy that’s authentic to who you are in your business and how you help your customers?

If you’re nodding your head when you read those sentences above and tired of feeling overwhelmed with your content creation struggles, then it’s time to join us in the Marketing Strategy Collective membership program!

What they said…

“I was struggling to learn how to establish and market a new business with social media so that it appeals to my vintage/antiques audience. The biggest thing the monthly boxes did was to help me think through the steps for restructuring my website and business to reach more customers. Definitely subscribe – this interactive group program will guide you in your business, no matter what level you are at with it, based on where you are and what you need.”

Renell Moore

“The Marketing Strategy Collective got me excited about the changes that I needed with my message clarity! I can already see how this cascades through into the posts, pins, and even going forward into Instagram. Suddenly the blocks I’ve been having are starting to fall away, so I must be on the right track to grow my online academy.”

Heidi, owner of

“I’m working on this month’s Marketing Strategy Collective workbook – OMG – in just reading the first seven pages, my wheels are spinning and I found my course name within this process of thinking creatively!!”

Marketing Consultant Jessica Rosario

improve your consistency, traffic and increase your sales

When you join the Marketing Strategy Collective membership program, you’ll get access to exclusive tips, strategies and insights that will help you stay consistent with sharing your marketing messages to reach more customers. Whether you’re a seasoned content creator or just getting started, the marketing content in the group is designed to provide you with actionable steps to develop a marketing plan that you’ll finally stick with and stay consistent with your posting schedule.

You’ll participate in an online exchange of ideas with other like-minded business owners to help you maintain a steady flow of engaging content.

The marketing tips and strategies will help you address common hurdles that small business owners face, such as writer’s block, time management and maintaining a consistent posting schedule. By incorporating these actionable steps into your routine, you’ll not only stay motivated but also enhance the quality and impact of your content.

As the guide and developer of the Marketing Strategy Collective membership group, I’m committed to providing you with ongoing support and guidance to ensure that you achieve your marketing goals and continue to grow your business through compelling and engaging content.

I’m confident that these resources will empower you to elevate your content game and achieve even greater success to reach more customers this year. 

Your marketing strategy is key and I’m beyond thrilled to help you unlock your business’ full potential. 

Let’s make your marketing process less of a solo journey and more of a collaborative experience!

How It Works & What You Get

When you subscribe to the Marketing Strategy Collective membership program, you’ll have engaging conversations that will open up new opportunities to build your business that could be right in front of you but you’re not able to truly see them.

choose your membership plan




This level includes the same features as the Connectors and the Inspirators with additional marketing resources, strategy tools, customized training and as well extra live zoom sessions for just the Creators members. 

You’ll get a home delivered version of marketing tools OR a digital version { the workbook includes a complete list of the tools for the monthly exercises so you can participate completely in the program! } to develop a better productivity plan to do more than just get more work done. This level of the program will help you develop growth action steps that include creative brainstorming activities and a path to implement a successful marketing plan that grows your business. 

This mastermind-like group of the Marketing Strategy Collective is more about accountability and how to use the marketing tools to take your business to the next level.

Your program includes: 

  • Monthly interactive workbook into your inbox filled with resources to help you focus on your content creation and marketing development topics to grow your business online
  • A Quarterly box OR Digital version of marketing tools will show up to your doorstep/inbox to add an additional level of strategic clarity to your marketing plans by focusing on your target clients, organization to get more done and developing your processes to keep your content creation consistent.   
  • Access to Quarterly Marketing Training Workshop with topics like:
    • How to Stay Consistent with Your Content Creation
    • Developing a Content Calendar that You’ll Use
    • Develop a Full Picture of Your Ideal Client 
  • Additional Quarterly Implementation Zoom Sessions to review the Quarterly Marketing Training Workshop content and discuss how to implement the training actions
  • Monthly Zoom Marketing Strategy Collaborative Sessions
  • Community Chat access 
  • Patron-only video content

inbox inspirations



This level includes the same features as the Connectors with additional marketing resources and training to create your marketing strategy and the group membership program in the Marketing Strategy Collective. 

And together with the members in the group, I’ll help you work through refining your process every month to develop remarkable content that not only increases your reach online but generates more income.

Your program includes: 

  • Monthly interactive workbook into your inbox filled with resources to help you focus on your content creation and marketing development topics to grow your business online
  • Access to Quarterly Marketing Training workshops with topics like:
    • How to Stay Consistent with Your Content Creation
    • Developing a Content Calendar that You’ll Use
    • Develop a Full Picture of Your Ideal Client 
  • Monthly Zoom Marketing Strategy Collaborative Sessions
  • Community Chat access 
  • Patron-only video content

community connections



This level is a Community Connections version only to participate in an online conversations to help you connect to other like-minded business owners and get your questions answered about implementing your marketing plans. 

Your program includes: 

  • Monthly Zoom Marketing Strategy Collaborative Sessions
  • Community Chat access
  • Patron-only video content

what you’ll focus on in the membership group: