As small business owners, we have a real problem when it comes to creating content for our marketing messages.
It’s not about coming up with ideas – because if you’re anything like me, you’ve got TONS of ideas just swirling around in your head.
The struggle happens when we try to take all those amazing ideas out of our brains and find a way to get them out to our community.
Why is this so freaking hard?
The reality of creating content AND doing it consistently can feel overwhelming.
Does this feel like where you are?
- You hit a mental block when you’re writing out your content ideas leaving you unsure what to include or leave out .. or even where to start!
- You work tirelessly on the day to day stuff for your business and can’t seem to block off the time to sit your butt in the seat and write out your content.
- You’re frustrated because you can’t do it all which then leads to second-guessing about what you are putting out there.
It feels like an endless cycle and some days the only answer is — I’ll do it later. But you and I both know … that later never really does come and you put it off for another week.
Being a small business owner reminds me of an old expression: It’s like trying to ride a horse at both ends and expecting to go straight.
And that’s exactly it!
You’re a one-woman show and can’t find the time to do it all. No matter how much you’re trying to steer that horse, it’s only going in the direction that has your attention and energy.
If you don’t focus your attention on implementing your marketing strategy, it’s never going to make that horse go straight.
How many more times do you need to fall off the horse before you realize that the way you’re doing your content creation isn’t working?
This is where the Create Better Content Challenge comes in
And it’s not like any other 30 day challenge that you’ve done before!
I know that you’ve participated in challenges like the 10 Day Video Challenge or 30 Days of Instagram posting … I know you did because I did them too.
There’s so many challenges out there to help you do the work in a specific time frame but what happens AFTER the challenge? Were you able to keep up with that content creation pace and change your habits to stay consistent?
The Create Better Content 30 Day Challenge does more than just help you achieve your content goals. You’ll learn an easy technique to help you establish new habits that will carry you past the 30 days to stay consistent with your content creation.
The Create Better Content Challenge isn’t going to give you some templated one-size fits all form to fill out. You’re going to learn a new process to set the foundation to help stay consistent and STAY WITH IT after the Create Better Content Challenge ends.
There’s an art to tapping into your creativity. The Create Better Content Challenge will show you how to uncover new pathways to develop new habits in your brain because neurons that fire together, wire together.
The goal is to make deep changes in your brain’s pathways by doing a small creative activity every day to rework the way you manage your marketing and your mindset.
The Create Better Content Challenge will give you the framework to help you stay consistent with your content creation:
If you tell yourself you’re not creative, it becomes true. The Create Better Challenge will help you stop that mental block.
Creativity is key when it comes to developing your copy and creating content that works to reach customers online. When you create something useful for your community, you add value to the world.
So if you’re feeling stressed with developing your content, I challenge you to take this 30 day practice with me. The 30 Day Create Better Content Challenge will reframe your mind and allow you to form better habits by taking small and easy steps every day.
And since you are only doing one task every day, you are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the changes, making it easier for you to be consistent with it.

If you want to know how to Create Better Content and do it consistently, it’s super easy to get started!
Sign up for the 30 Day Challenge and Download your Create Better Content workbook:
This workbook will guide you through the content development process and keep you focused on how to continue this process after the challenge is over.
Follow CreateYourBiz on Instagram:
Starting on May 1, you’ll get a daily creative exercise post on Instagram as well as content creation tips to help you develop new habits to create better content.
Follow CreateYourBiz on Instagram to get all the daily creative activities and content development tips.
The Create Better Content Challenge will guide you in these three areas:
Sign up for the Create Better Content Challenge
It might just be the thing you’ve been waiting for to help you finally get control of your content strategy!
Follow CreateYourBiz on Instagram and start the Create Better Challenge on May 1, 2022
The Create Better Content Challenge is comprehensive 30 day challenge to give you the tools, strategies and resources to create consistent content in your business.